WordPress theme 5 Years was built following goals: simple and light theme for fifth anniversary of my blog.
You can download 5 Years from WordPress Themes or from here:
5 Years v1.0.0
44.63 KB
5 Years has been built on 960 Grid System, with minimal number of used colours:
- Techcrunch green [#008C00]
- Flock Blue [#4096EE]
- Flickr Pink [#FF0084]
- Ruby on Rails Red [#B02B2C]
Features of 5 Years theme
- light
- two columns
- right hand side sidebar
- widgets supported
- RHS widget area (Primary)
- foru widget areas below content
- support for Posts per Cat
- translated to English and Serbian
- supported wp_head and wp_footer hooks
- two columns for recent posts on front page
- support gravatar
- comments from blog author highlighted in different colour
- valid XHTML 1.1 and CSS 2.1
- customized layout for Print media w/o unnecessarily elements
- visual indicator for number of comments (gray icon = no comments, blue icon = up to 10 comments, red icon = more than 10 comments)
- released under terms of GNU GPLv3
How it looks
Blog look with 5 Years theme w/o Posts per Cat plugin, with customized widgets:

Legal Terms
Theme 5 Years has been published under terms of GNU GPLv3. If you wish to enhance or modify it, feel free to do that. I will just like to you leave link to this website in footer.